Esthela Galván Vela, Oscar Ociel Juárez Rodríguez, Mónica Lorena Sánchez Limón, Yesenia Sánchez Tovar


Facing the dynamics of the current competitive conditions involves the identification of phenomena related to the company’s development or intrapreneurship. With the purpose of contributing to a generation of theory in this regard, this research identifies some environmental and organizational factors related to the intraprenurial behavior in the software industry in México, through the use of qualitative research techniques investigation with strict attachment to the Grounded Theory. Results suggest the consideration of constructs set forth in the literature, as well as other proposed by the research subjects, such as government support, competitiveness in the field, and individual elements like skills or worker’s creative talent, their commitment towards the company, the degree of risk aversion and their disposition for teamwork.

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